Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Quaker South Asia Interest Group

Action Village India

Action Village India is a UK based charity working for a change in rural India. India's rapid economic development has left hundreds of millions of people untouched and has destroyed the homes and livlihoods of millions more.

It is those marginalised people that Action Village India's partners work with, in the ghandian tradition of non-violent action, to right economic and social injustice.

See:  www.actionvillageindia.org.uk 

The Covid Crisis across India
In this heartbreaking time, the eyes of the world are on India; and Action Village India are committed to continue working with our partners to send support and solidarity to the most vulnerable people in rural communities.

In this newsletter we've included a few of the many news stories related to India this week, updates from our partners, and news of our onging Solidarity Appeal for communities suffering from the latest onslaught of Covid-19 related hardships. Our appeal has remained open to donations.

We thank you for your ongoing interest and support.

Warm wishes from all of us at AVI
Action Village India May 2021.docx
Microsoft Word document [1.6 MB]

Get involved!

Find out how by contacting us at:

Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Tel: 44 (0) 7947273545
E-mail: info@qsaig.co.uk 


Quaker South Asia Interest Group (QSAIG) 

You are Welcome to
QSAIG Meeting
Saturday 12 April 2025 on Zoom.
10am to 1pm
QSAIG Meeting and AGM
Saturday 11th October 2025
10.00am - 3.30pm
A London Meeting House and also on Zoom.
Invitations from: info@qsaig.co.uk
contact:  Norman Smith
Tel: 07947273545

Thank you for looking at this page, your suggestions are welcome.

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