Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Quaker South Asia Interest Group

About us

Quaker South Asia Interest Group exists to raise awareness of Quaker work in South Asia


QSAIG is recognised by Britain Yearly Meeting (https://www.quaker.org.uk) as a group of Quakers with an interest in South Asia.


QSAIG Objectives


To assist in the building of a peaceful, just and sustainable world inspired by our Quaker faith and focussing on the south Asia region by:-


a) Sharing information to inform our actions.


b) Supporting individuals and groups which

     act to progress QSAIG's main aim,

     including QPSW's work.


c) Sustain relationships in South Asia that

    value the support of Quakers in Britain.



Get involved!

Find out how by contacting us at:

Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Tel: 44 (0) 7947273545
E-mail: info@qsaig.co.uk 


Quaker South Asia Interest Group (QSAIG) 

You are Welcome to
QSAIG Meeting
Saturday 12 April 2025 on Zoom.
10am to 1pm
QSAIG Meeting and AGM
Saturday 11th October 2025
10.00am - 3.30pm
A London Meeting House and also on Zoom.
Invitations from: info@qsaig.co.uk
contact:  Norman Smith
Tel: 07947273545

Thank you for looking at this page, your suggestions are welcome.

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© Quaker South Asia Interest Group