Quaker South Asia Interest Group exists to raise awareness of Quaker work in South Asia
QSAIG is recognised by Britain Yearly Meeting (https://www.quaker.org.uk) as a group of Quakers with an interest in South Asia.
QSAIG Objectives
To assist in the building of a peaceful, just and sustainable world inspired by our Quaker faith and focussing on the south Asia region by:-
a) Sharing information to inform our actions.
b) Supporting individuals and groups which
act to progress QSAIG's main aim,
including QPSW's work.
c) Sustain relationships in South Asia that
value the support of Quakers in Britain.
Find out how by contacting us at:
Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Tel: 44 (0) 7947273545
E-mail: info@qsaig.co.uk
Quaker South Asia Interest Group (QSAIG)
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