Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Quaker South Asia Interest Group


If you have news of events in South Asia you would like to share please send information to info@qsaig.co.uk


May 2021. QSAIG is aware of the severe impact of Covid-19 in India and would like to draw your attention to the appeal being made by Village Action India.


Volunteers sought

"2 volunteers to help with  an ongoing drama project teaching English, and 1 volunteer to set up a science lab in State Government  Higher Secondary Schools  ,Kolkata and Sundarbans, West Bengal, India from August  25th to September 2024.
The local team there are Advisers to the  Chairman of  Education for Primary and Secondary Schools based in Kolkata.
They are not an NGO but affiliated to the local schools as teacher trainers. Volunteers would need to self fund  but local hospitality would be offered and  transport between Kolkata and Sundarbans arranged. The projects will continue in 2025 from January to April."
If you want to know more please contact Margaret Waterworth. Email is: maggie.water@hotmail.co.uk 


Get involved!

Find out how by contacting us at:

Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Tel: 44 (0) 7947273545
E-mail: info@qsaig.co.uk 


Quaker South Asia Interest Group (QSAIG) 

You are Welcome
QSAIG Meeting
Saturday 11 May 2024
on Zoom (subject to confirmation)
QSAIG Meeting and AGM
Saturday 12th October 2024
10.30am - 3pm
Probably at Selly Oak Meeting House and also on Zoom.
Invitations from: info@qsaig.co.uk
contact:  Norman Smith
Tel: 07947273545

Thank you for looking at this page, your suggestions are welcome.

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© Quaker South Asia Interest Group