Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Quaker South Asia Interest Group

Welcome to Quaker South Asia Interest Group

Please see News and Events for details of the next meeting of QSAIG.


The Quaker South Asia Interest Group brings together people who are intetrested in Quaker activities in South Asia.

Members involved include those with extensive experience of working in South Asia and others who have never been there but have an active interest.

How can Quakers make South Asia a happier and more harmonious part of the world? 

Our projects

Information about the South Asia Intertest Group is available for its members.

About us

If you're interested in our work and would like to support us, read about us and  the projects we've contributed to in the past.

Get involved!

Find out how by contacting us at:

Quaker South Asia Interest Group
Tel: 44 (0) 7947273545
E-mail: info@qsaig.co.uk 


Quaker South Asia Interest Group (QSAIG) 

You are Welcome
QSAIG Meeting and AGM
Saturday 12th October 2024
10.30am - 3pm
Selly Oak Meeting House and also on Zoom.
Invitations from: info@qsaig.co.uk
contact:  Norman Smith
Tel: 07947273545

Thank you for looking at this page, your suggestions are welcome.

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© Quaker South Asia Interest Group